I never ever ever order Fajitas at a restaurant. Why? They always smell better than they taste, they’re usually dry, and they are so easy to make at home, I prefer to order other things! These Easy At Home Fajitas are ready in 10 minutes or less! With onions, peppers, corn tortillas, chicken, cheese, avocado and so much more, these will become a family favorite dinner! Make it with me!
The chicken I use for this recipe is found in the freezer section at your local grocery store! I usually buy them at Sam’s Club or Target! Here is the link to the exact chicken I use! www.target.com/fajitachicken You can use any precooked chicken stripes that you prefer to keep this recipe quick and easy!
The toppings are endless when it comes to fajitas! I always mix in with the meat some chopped peppers and onions! For toppings, I like homemade salsa, sour cream, avocado or guac, cheese, and a little time juice! What do you like on yours?
Easy At Home Fajitas
Serves 4-6
1 bag frozen fajita chicken mix (fully cooked)
2 bell peppers, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
1 tablespoon olive oil
corn tortillas
guacamole or avocado
sour cream
In a large frying pan over medium heat, add the olive oil, frozen chicken mix, peppers, and onions. Cover and let the chicken heat up and veggies soften for 10 minutes, stiring occasionally.
When finished cooking, place in corn tortillas and top with additional toppings! Enjoy!
Print this Easy At Home Fajitas recipe here!